
-Presenter of the show is Thordis Fridriksson-

Presenter 1 Thordis Fridriksson - Throdis tone of voice tends to be quite uplifting and enthusiastic to make the listening more enjoyable and overall gives off a positive vibe as she is presenting the morning radio and is trying to give off energy to her audience. She addresses her audience in a quite laid back and carefree in the way that she isn't acting professionally which can be more enjoyable for most views as Thordis is trying to build a friendly relationship with her viewers. This presenter is appropriate for this time of radio show as her attitude and energy is the right kind of energy that some people need in the morning and she makes for a pleasant experience to listen to. One of her main techniques is that she likes to be calming and relaxed with her audience within theory carries onto the audience.

Presenter 2 John Devine - John has a similar style to Thordis in the way that he likes to be welcoming a chilled, either if he is having an interview with a member of the public or having a discussion in the studio. The presenter has a similar mode of addressing his audience in the interview to Thordis. This type of addressing consists of being relaxed with his audience and guests and trying not to give offa formal tone whilst still remaining professional. The techniques are helpful and suitable for the radios laid back theme.

Running order

C&D - Radio extract and target audience analysis

Reaching out to the audience/Discussion:
In this segment of the radio show, the presenter is talking to a caller about her name and what her parents would have called her if she was a boy or possible other girl names. This is most likely a conversation that is coming to an end so we don't have the full context of the conversation. Thordis then goes on to ask the audience the same question to the audience and asks them to tweet the BBC Cambridge twitter with a specific hashtag so that they can filter the feed and answer the submitted tweets. Thordis address's the content in a chilled tone and try to stay laid back and relaxed throughout this segment. The Content is not the best of content as it seems quite improvised and forced as this is a typical event that happens during a typical radio show so the quality, in my opinion, is low due to the unoriginal idea. This segment is live for about a minute and a half, this could be due to the radio using up time and procrastinating whilst waiting for the next segment.

In this segment, John Devine is in a local Cambridge pub Interviewing both staff and locals at the event which is a pop museum displaying Egyptian artifacts. The interview consists of John discussing why it's beneficial for the locals to display this history as well as educating local children and teens about ancient Egyptian history. The Mode of address that John uses is a combination of him trying to act relax with the interviewee but also at the same time trying to maintain a professional figure when it comes to asking the interview questions. The Quality of the interview and the microphone seems quite professional in the production of the interview and the audio of the interview segment is high quality and has little to no wind noise or any audio issues during the segment and the questions been asked are addressing basic but important questions and do supply a form of education and entertainment to the audience. The segment plays out for around 3 minutes, this is due to the number of questions that the presenter has decided to ask as well as the length of the answers given back to the presenter.

The target audience for the News/Travel segment would be from any ages from 17+ for the travel segment and around 14+ for the News segment as the News can sometimes inappropriate for younger children as it involves some dark stories which can be to mature for children. The travel segment would only apply to those age ranges as from 17 upwards or any age of a driver. The content consists of information about the local traffic in the area of Cambridge and Cambridgeshire as well as British news that could also be shown on a larger programme such as BBC 1 or Radio 1. The mode of address was very formal for both the News and travel section due to both of the segments being relayed information which doesn't really require a personality to come with the information. The quality of the information and the presentation of the information are both high quality, they are high quality because the audio is clear and the information is up to date and detailed. The News and travel take up around 3 minutes total during the segment, the majority of it is the news segment at the end.
