

B) Genres 

The BBC Radio Cambridgeshire for Tuesday 26th-27th March 2019:

Using the schedule taken above I narrowed them down to genre and then calculated the time that each took up in the schedule.

C) Audience profiles:

D) Production process

-explain what has happened to the industry between the highest and lowest point of weekly audience?

The radio industry has seen a decline in weekly listeners since its peak in June 2007 where there were around 150,000 listeners to its fall in March 2018 where the number of listeners dropped down to about 70,000 (All of whom were above the age of 15). One of the main reasons for this fall is due to the introduction of aux cables and the power to select what music you would like to listen to. This form of streaming has practically over powered radio as the listener would prefer to have control of the songs and the genre of music that they would like to listen to.

-what is the trend over the last 15 years in market share? What could the reason be for this trend?

Over the past fifteen years the amount of shares in BBC radio Cambridgeshire has actually quite quickly fallen and overall having a negative correlation, Since June 1999 till December 2018 there has been a falling trend from 7.5% to 6.5% in weekly listeners showing that more people are becoming dis interested in the radio and what they have to offer. The market shares tend to spike and drop around every six months this could be just a boost in popularity every six months or just a seasonal mood as the spikes usually occur during the summer months and drop during winter. 

-what is the current trend in market share? What could the reason be for this trend?

The trend for the market place at the moment is decreasing overall and dropping from a spike of viewers that occurred in June 2018. The reason for this fall in shares in mainly due to the development in technology and apps which are starting to replace radio shows as the new generation seem to find other forms of talk shows more interesting, like pre recorded podcasts or live streams from a lifestyle or gaming perspective.
